If you've ever found yourself marvelling at the sheer charisma of your furry friend or pondering the magnificence of those soulful eyes, you're in the right place.

Over here at Proud Dog Pawtraits, I celebrate our pure adoration for our canine friends by taking stunning photos of them.

So you can marvel, and then marvel some more - for many years, far beyond our dog's years.

Your dog deserves more than just selfies!

You spend your time finding the comfiest bed, the healthiest food, the most stylish coat… And not for you…

It’s so damn hard not to want the best for this magnificent creature who has bounced into your life. They have lured you in to love them unconditionally, with their child-like traits, endless affection, and incomparable connection.

You now find yourself to be that typical dog parent. Your dog is no longer just a pet. Your bed is no longer just your bed. All your activities are now dog-friendly. Your phone is unapologetically filled with dog selfies.

But who’s judging? - Not me!

So let’s celebrate this wonderful family member in all their glory with stunning portraits to hang proudly on your wall.

Hi, I’m Lauren.

I’ve united my love of animals, photography, and modern art to bring you Proud Dog Pawtraits – a photography studio for dogs!

In my enchanting tale of tails, a dynamic duo takes the spotlight. First, there's Rocco - my curly-haired poochon with the cutest, bouncy bunny hop. And then, there's my two-legged partner in adventures, who wonders the coastline with me. Together, they keep life's wagging rhythm in perfect harmony.

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